Transformation of Earth
Level: 7
School: Alteration, Elemental: Earth
Range: Self
Duration: 1 round per caster level
Area of Effect: Self
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 7
Saving Throw: N/A
Description: The transformation of earth summons forth raw elemental energy and transforms the caster from a physical creature into a divine being that appears to have been hewn from the bones of mountains. When cast the transformation of earth alters the casters appearance radically; their hair turns grey, as does their skin and eyes. Their skin also takes on the texture of iron, being cold and hard. Those who see the caster in this state must save vs spell or flee in abject terror for a number of rounds equal to the level of the wizard. Those who fail their save and are forced to fight do so at –2 to hit and –2 to saves.
While the spell lasts the caster may pass through any solid non-magical material as if it wasn’t there; stone walls, iron doors and lead shielding are no obstacle. The caster can even move up and down through solid material at a rate of 6’ per round. If the spell finishes when the caster is still inside they are moved without harm to the nearest space that could safely contain them. While the spell is in effect the caster is immune to all damage caused by electricity, acid, poison, gas, fire and cold, the caster’s armour class is reduced to 0 and they cannot be struck by weapons of less than +2 enchantment. All spells from the school of Elemental: Earth cast while the transformation is in effect, have random damage and duration maximised.
The transformation grants the caster a special attack, if the caster forgoes any spell casting they may attack using the physical strength of their new form. Their THAC0 and weapon damage remain the same, but the caster’s strength is 25 with all the associated bonuses. Also the caster, in this divine form, is capable of hitting any opponent regardless of the plusses normally required.
Casting this spell requires a single flawless emerald worth at least 1000gp, which transforms into worthless carbon powder upon completion of the spell. In addition, casting this spell is so physically taxing that it ages the caster one full year. The aging can be removed if the caster consumes the carbon powder mixed with the warm blood of a young calf by a phoenix feather in a metal cup made from material mined by the caster’s own hands.
(This spell was developed for the world of Saas)
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