The Content Imp Awards
Thanks to the products offered by OpenRPG, WebRPG and those like them the number of online role-playing games is expanding, as is the number of websites dedicated to online gaming. However there exists no award program which acknowledges the efforts put in by the webmasters of these sites, so the Content Imp for Epic Adventures decided to create one.
There are three different Imp awards; the Bronze Imp medal, the Steel Imp Plaque and the Imp Artifact Award. Unlike other award schemes, the Imp awards are not staged, but are for different purposes. If you wish to be considered for one of these awards then press the Contact the Imp button at the foot of this (or any) page and send your URL. Before sending make sure that your website is RPG related. Non-RPG sites cannot be given any of these awards.
Note that the Imp doesn’t give a hoot about winged unicorns with flowers coming out of every orifice, nor does he care about women kneeling by woodland pools or animals in an advanced state of cuteness so if your site is all pictures – no matter how lovely the pictures are – you wont win. The Content Imp cares about – yes, you guessed it – Content.
Whether you win or not, you should receive a response from the Content Imp within two weeks of submitting your site. Those who receive one of the Content Imp Awards will have a link placed on a special winners page. If you receive an award then you are not obliged to display the image but if you do, please link it back to and not to this page.
This award is intended for the websites of online games in any format. It acknowledges online game websites which promote online gaming and support play by posting game information such as maps, chat logs and character sheets.
To qualify for the Bronze Imp Medal your site must:
1. Contain no pornography or racial hate messages – though it need not actually be suitable for children.
2. Be the website of at least one game currently running online.
3. That game must be live, either in chat or via a virtual tabletop, not PBEM or Play-By-Post.
4. Offer some degree of service to that game through posting of maps, chat logs or character sheets.
This award honours a website which has something special to offer online gaming A site which has won this award helps or facilitates online gaming, it provides a service or has created a resource which is of considerable benefit or significance to the online community. One example of this is OpenRPG, who won this award for creation of a free virtual tabletop which is used in all Epic Adventures games, but this award is not just for software, it could be an atlas of the Forgotten Realms or a page describing and picturing gem stones.
To qualify for the Steel Imp Plaque your site must:
1. Contain no pornography or racial hate messages – though it need not actually be suitable for children.
2. Provide something which is of specific benefit to online gaming.
3. This benefit must be free to use and not require user registration.
It is not possible to win this award and it is not possible to be given it. This award has nothing to do with how a website looks, but is dependant on its content. What’s more, great content alone will not earn this award. The Artifact can only be bestowed if the Imp visits a website on 100 separate occasions (and yes, the Imp does record his surfing habits). There are no other special conditions for receiving this award, but it should be pointed out that award is intentionally reserved for the most compelling content anywhere on the web. Any website which earns this accolade must surely have its own Content Imp, or even a team of Imps, tirelessly sacrificing to dark gods to ensure the high quality of their content.
The art used to create these
images was modified from existing art located at which is a fantastic
clipart resource. The frames were sent
to the Imp following a message board discussion and their creator is unknown,
if you made these frames please Contact the Imp.
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